Friday, June 26, 2009

"Books Sandwiched In" Brown-bag Luncheon

Allison Kane is a teacher by day and detective by night. She and her Great-aunt get into trouble trying to solve crime in a charming town called Paradise. Allie also keeps local law enforcement in Hawaii on their toes during her brief visit there. When you combine generous portions of suspense with humor and romance, then you’ve got Trouble in Paradise!

Come and hear author, Terrye Robins!!
at our “Books Sandwiched In” Brown-bag Luncheon Thurs., July 16th at Noon.
The library will provide the desert and drinks. The program will last around 45 minutes and there will be books to purchase if you would like. We ask that you pre-register so that we know how many to prepare for. Hope to see you here!